Thursday, April 5, 2012


Map of Food Associated With Each State in the U.S. 
I discovered this map on the website Laughing Squid (  This map shows the food associated with each state stereotypically.  This map caught my attention because some foods were obviously stereotypical of a state, such as Georgia's association with peaches and Wisconsin's association with cheese.  However some states' foods greatly surprised me, such as Utah being associated with green jell-o.  This map reinforced some stereotypical foods that I associated with particular states, while also introduced some foods that I did not know were associated with certain states.      
Map of What Each State in the U.S. is the Worst At
I found this map on a website titled pleated-jeans (  This map represents each state and what they are considered to be the worst at.  The creators of this map used statistics to find what "bad" category each state ranked dead last in.  I found this map interesting because some of the categories that a state was given were what I would have expected, while some where very surprising.  I also found it interesting what the creators of this map considered "bad".  I was surprised that being the nerdiest state was considered a bad characteristic among categories such as fatal car crashes and rape.    

Map of Starbucks Locations in New York 
I found this map on a website titled jefferypalm (  This map shows the locations of Starbucks' in New York.  The red markers show Starbucks locations in the interior position while the blue marker shows the most isolated Starbucks.  This map was created in 2009, so it likely has changed from present day locations in New York.  I was interested in this map not only because of my love for Starbucks, but also because although I knew there was a lot of Starbucks locations in New York I didn't truly realize how many until I saw this visual.  Finally, considering this was in 2009 I would imagine that there are even more Starbucks locations in New York now.    

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